Writing, like other arts, is a representation of life. Thus, the writer is compelled to live life more consciously. --Brad Wilcox

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Another College Survival Guide

I got another order for a College Survival Guide, and seeing as how this order was from some friends back home, my husband wanted to put the text together for them. The mother mentioned Paige's favorite colors were purple and green, so this is what I came up with. The purple on the binding edge was textured paper, and the inside cover was a green textured paper. It was so much fun to do. I hope Paige enjoys it as much as we did!
The table of contents:

A sample page of the text:
And I'm still working on the exciting project I haven't posted yet. It got interrupted with a move, but now that we are almost settled, I'll be booking again soon!