Writing, like other arts, is a representation of life. Thus, the writer is compelled to live life more consciously. --Brad Wilcox

Friday, November 6, 2009

Giving Thanks

One thing I've learned in my life is that the more I focus on the things I'm thankful for, the more I'm able to be content with the things that I have. I remember our "Thankful Turkey" that my mom would place on the kitchen counter-top each November. Every day we were to write something we were thankful for and slip it inside the box. Then, on Thanksgiving Day, my dad would read them one by one. Some would be serious; some were silly. We created memorable moments sitting together as a family talking about the things we were all thankful for.

So this mini-journal is for the Thankful record-keeping. It measures to be 4.25x2.25--perfect for carrying around in a purse, handbag, or bookbag for those moments when any thankful thoughts come to you. It's also perfect for a little spot on the night stand for a little thankful pondering before bedtime. It's is filled with the white, 32 lb, watermarked paper.

This is another Thankful Journal--the same size as the first. I think the colors on this one are perfect for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
And really, any of the mini-journals could be used as Thankful Journals. Here are some more that I've done. These all contain blank pages and can be used for thankful compilations, to-do lists, memorable quotes, or anything else.

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