Writing, like other arts, is a representation of life. Thus, the writer is compelled to live life more consciously. --Brad Wilcox

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Finally! Christmas, a new baby, and a journal later, I'm posting again! Of course, I did go on break for a while after giving birth to Claire, but here is the most recent book I finished--just in time for my friend's baby shower.
It's a journal of 52 Love Letters from mom to baby. There are 52 pages, one for each week of the year, that way the new mom can write a letter each week describing the baby's developmental progress, milestones, idiosyncrasies, and stories to remember.

The inside cover has an envelope to hold the birth story. My birth story for Claire was definitely longer than half a page, so I thought to store it in the envelope in the cover. And the title page says, "Life, for us, would never be the same."

The back cover:

It's a great way to keep a journal, but not in journal form. I find writing a letter once a week to my girls alleviates the never-ending "I-need-to-write-in-my-journal" syndrome. Woohoo!


  1. Hey this is Rebekah Weber, I love these and I am so excited that I know that you do this for people. I will have to put the word out there to all of my friends and sisters to take a look at this for future gifts. What are your prices?

  2. I was the lucky one to get this and love love love it!! I write in it every week and already love to go back and read what I wrote in the beginning and was glad I had an excuse to write down the birth story since i know both me and her will treasure that forever. Thanks Britt!
